March 1st & 2nd
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy;
I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.- John 10:10 NIV
God’s heart for you is that you would live life to the fullest! That means we live a life full of Jesus and the good things found in Him. You can live life hopeful, joyful, peaceful and powerful in Jesus. Join us as we journey to experience Jesus and the full life He has for us!
• Pastor Shannon Marocco from King's Cathedral
• Pastor Amanda Hodges from Christian Faith Center
We will also hear from several of our CFC pastors & pastor's wives.
Registration $59.99
*Pre-Conference Prayer Breakfast ADD-ON + $29.99
Christian Faith Center - Nampa Location
31 S. Midland Blvd. Nampa, ID 83651
Friday, March 1st
Registration Check-in: 4:30pm – 6pm
6pm Service
8pm – 9pm Afterglow Party
Saturday, March 2nd
Continental Breakfast 8am – 9am
9am – 10am Main Session 1
10am – 11am Main Session 2
11am – 12pm Breakouts
12pm – 1pm Lunch
1pm – 2pm Panel
2pm – 3pm Breakouts
3pm – 4pm Main Session 3
**All breakouts and panel sessions will be offered in Spanish as well as English.
***Check out the pre-conference prayer breakfast ADD-ON below
*Prayer Breakfast at Caldwell Location: 301 S 34th Ave, Caldwell, ID 83605
Friday March 1st • 9am – 11:30am • Cost: $29.99 per person
This is a time we have set aside to pray for the conference, our families, the treasure valley and beyond by actively participating in multiple prayer stations. This cost only includes the prayer breakfast. Conference registration is separate and must be added on to attend.
Will there be child care?
No, there will be no child care provided.
Can I bring my children?
We welcome all girls 12 and up as well as all nursing babies. We ask you not to bring your children so that all women can attend distraction free and get all that God has for them out of conference.
Is there a discount if I want to attend only one day of the conference?
No, there is one registration cost.
Does my registration cost include meals?
Yes, we will provide light snacks Friday after service, continental breakfast and boxed lunch Saturday.
Will the conference be available online?
No, not at this time.
What is the Refund Policy?
All registration fees are non-refundable, but are transferable. You can donate your registration to make it possible for another to attend (see discount registration info below) or you may re-assign your registration to someone else. To do so, please email us at info@experiencecfc.com and we will assist you with your donation and or transfer.
Is there a discount registration?
New this year, we will be taking applications for discounted registrations. The discounted registrations will be reserved for widows as well as single moms and will be limited to donated registration funds and will approved based on our benevolence request policies. Please call or e-mail the church office to apply. (208-467-7777 or info@experiencecfc.com)